Open the link to your Platform in your Chrome browser
The login page will open
Enter your Email and Password, then click Login
Your Instruction CMS will open showing you an overview of existing Guides on the Platform
Go to the main menu click on "Guides"
Click '+' to start creating a Guide
Enter a title for your Guide
Click the language dropdown menu to select the language of your choice to write your Guide
Click the Team dropdown menu to select the team you're creating the Guide with
Click the Tags dropdown menu to select the tags related to your Guide
Click the media icon to upload a cover picture for your Guide
Upload a cover image for your guide & click on ADD
Click "Save draft" to save all the information of your Guide cover
Click 'CREATE THE FIRST INSTRUCTION' to start creating instructions in your Guide
Enter your first instruction title & click SAVE
Click the media icon to upload a cover image for your instruction
Hover over your instructions and click "EDIT STEPS"
Click "+New step" to create the first step of your instruction
Enter your instructional step content and then click "SAVE"
Click the media icon to upload a picture for your step
Click the "+" icon to go & create the next step
Create all the steps of your Instruction
Click "Back to overview" to check the flow of steps in your instruction
Double-check to see if your instruction contains all the necessary steps to take the end-user from the initial state to the desired goal of the instruction.
Click "Guide overview" to go back to the overview of all content within this Guide
Enter all your instruction titles one by one to create the entire structure of your Guide.
Click "New topic" to create a topic within your Guide
Enter your topic title in the corresponding field
then click "SAVE TOPIC"
Grab an instruction by the handle to drag and drop it into the topic you want & organize them in a logical order.
Click "+ New checklist"
Enter the Checklist title and click SAVE
Click the media icon to upload a cover picture for your Checklist
Click "EDIT CHECKS" to create your Checklist
Click "+NEW CHECK"
Write under each Check what needs to be checked & upload the picture showing users what should they be looking for
Grab Checklists & Instructions by the handle to drag & drop them, and organize them in a logical order within the Guide.
Publish your Guide by clicking "Publish"
Go to the main menu click on "Guides"
Click '+' to start creating a Guide
Enter a title for your Guide
Click the language dropdown menu to select the language of your choice to write your Guide
Click the Team dropdown menu to select the team you're creating the Guide with
Click the Tags dropdown menu to select the tags related to your Guide
Click the media icon to upload a cover picture for your Guide
Upload a cover image for your guide & click on ADD
Click "Save draft" to save all the information of your Guide cover
Enter all your instruction titles one by one to create the entire structure of your Guide.
Click "New topic" to create a topic within your Guide where you can then bundle tasks that are related to each other
Enter your topic title in the corresponding field
then click "SAVE TOPIC"
Enter all your guide topics one by one to create the entire structure of your Guide
Grab an instruction by the handle to drag and drop it into the topic you want & organize them in a logical order.
Click 'CREATE THE FIRST INSTRUCTION' to start creating instructions in your Guide
Enter your first instruction title & click SAVE
Click the media icon to upload a cover image for your instruction
Hover over your instructions and click "EDIT STEPS"
Click "+New step" to create the first step of your instruction
Click "+New step" to create the first step of your instruction
Enter your instructional step content and then click "SAVE"
Click the media icon to upload a picture for your step
Click the "+" icon to go & create the next step
Create all the steps of your Instruction
Click "Back to overview" to check the flow of steps in your instruction
Double-check to see if your instruction contains all the necessary steps to take the end-user from the initial state to the desired goal of the instruction.
Click "Guide overview" to go back to the overview of all content within this Guide
Open an existing Guide or start creating a new one
Click "+ New checklist"
Enter the Checklist title and click SAVE
Click the media icon to upload a cover picture for your Checklist
Click "EDIT CHECKS" to create your Checklist
Click "+NEW CHECK"
Write under each Check what needs to be checked & upload the picture showing users what should they be looking for
Optional: create more Checklists if needed
Optional: grab Checklists by the handle to drag & drop them, and organize them in a logical order within the Guide
Publish your Guide by clicking "PUBLISH"
Click on one of your Step's media or media icon to open the media editor
Upload media through Drag and Drop or Browse your computer or Copy and Paste in the accepted file format
Click "Edit image" for the following actions
Move the side handles to crop your image
Move the circle from the middle of your image to where you want to bring the focus
Click "Scale selection" to fit your picture into the framework of the Platform
Check how the media looks like for your end-users in different places of your guide by changing the view
Click "Save" when you finished editing your media
Click "Add shapes" to point users to specific information in your image
Click "Duplicate Image" to add the same image for another step
Hover over your Guide cover & click "Edit details"
Select the Workspaces you want to make this Guide visible to
Once published, this Guide will automatically be made visible to the Workspaces you've selected, unless the publisher changes the setting beforehand.
Click "PUBLISH UPDATES" to make your Guide visible to end-users on your Workspace(s)
Select the Workspaces you want to publish this Guide to
Open the Guide you want to share with end-users
Click the action button
Then click "Share"
Choose one of the three options to share your guide
Then click "DONE"
You can now share your guide with the end-user
Open the Guide where the Topic you want to share is
Click the 3 dot menu of the Topic
Click "Share"
Choose any one of the three options to share your topic
Then click "DONE"
You can now share your Topic with the end-user
Open the Guide where the instruction you want to share is
Click the 3 dot menu of the instruction
Then click "Share"
Choose one of the three options to share your instruction
Then click "DONE"
You can now share your instruction with the end-user
Go to an existing guide and click on the Guide menu
Click "Translate"
Click on the drop down menu to Choose the language you want to translate your Guide into
Click "+ ADD NEW LANGUAGE" to add a new language to your Guide.
Select a language from the list of available languages on your Platform
Click "ADD"
The Translation will be automatically processed.
Click "REVIEW UPDATED GUIDE" to see & edit your Guide in the newly added language
The language of your Guide in the Platform CMS has been switched to the newly added language.
Review Updated Guide
Go to an existing guide and click on the Guide menu
Click "Translate"
Select the language you want to translate your Guide into.
Click on the content you want to translate & type in the translation manually.
Click "Save translations"
Click "BACK TO GUIDE" to go to back your guide
Switch the language of the Guide to review the newly added language and edit the content in that language directly in the Guide Editor
Open the Guide you want to translate & click the action button
Click "Translate"
Click on ADD NEW LANGUAGE and select the language you want to translate this Guide to
Click "Export All" to receive an excel file containing the Guide content in the current language
Open the exported excel document on your computer
Add the abbreviation of the new language in a new column
Highlight and copy the original language column, except the header row
Go to and choose "text" translation method
Choose the source & destination languages
Paste the column of text into the source language
Translation will happen automatically
Copy the translated text
Return to your Excel file and paste into the destination language column
Save the adjusted document on your computer
Click the 'IMPORT ALL' button
Click on "UPLOAD SHEET" to select the adjusted document from your computer and press 'Upload'
The translations you've added to the document are now uploaded into the platform
Your guide will now be available to end-users in all the translated languages.
Open the Guide you want to translate & click the action button
Click "Translate"
Click on ADD NEW LANGUAGE and select the language you want to translate this Guide to
Click "EXPORT ALL" to receive an excel file containing the Guide content in the current language
Open the exported excel document on your computer
Create a duplicate of the exported excel file
Delete the header row & all columns except your source language column from the duplicated file
Go to and choose the "Documents" translation method
Choose the source & destination languages
Click "Browse your computer" and upload the duplicated excel file
Then click the Translate button
Download the translated file
Open the translated file & copy the translated column
Go back to the original excel file & add the abbreviation of the new language in a new column
Paste the translation into the destination language column
Save the adjusted document on your computer
Click the 'IMPORT ALL' button
Click on "UPLOAD SHEET" to select the adjusted document from your computer and press 'Upload'
The translations you've added to the document are now uploaded into the platform
Your guide will now be available to end-users in all the translated languages.
Click on the newly auto-translated language
Review and edit the auto-translation
Switch Guide language to the new language if you want to review your Guide & continue editing it in this new language